National Children Science Congress-2020-21

National Children Science Congress-2020-21

The Children Science Congress kindle curiosity of the children, provide the opportunity to unfold their creativeness and stretch their imagination. The programme is catalysed and supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communication, Govt. of India. The mandate of participation is that, the children carry out project on a particular topic in relation to theme and sub-theme announced by NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India, which continues for two years. The selected awardees are sponsored for National Children Science Congress held every year from 27th December to 31st December at selected venues.

Objective of NCSC

  1. To provide a forum to the children to pursue their natural curiosity and to quench their thirst for creativity.
  2. To effect a change in the way science is taught and learnt at schools, by relating the learning process to the physical and social environment around.
  3. To encourage children to visualize the future of the nation and help building a generation of sensitive and responsible citizens.
  4. To stimulate scientific temperament and learning the scientific methodology for observation, collection of data, experiment analysis and then arriving at conclusion.
  5. The focal themes of Children Science Congress are varied and are of national significance.

Nature of CSC ProjectsI

Who is eligible to participate?

This is a forum open to child scientists in the age of 10-17 years as on December 31 of the calendar year. This event of NCSC is not restricted to the school-going children only but is also open for the non-school children from the marginalized sections of the society.

Areas of Research

The children are expected to carry out projects related to the focal theme and the identified sub-themes. Activity books are available to help guide teachers and the child scientist. A group of children not exceeding two, can do the project with the help of scientist, school teachers, co-ordinators of school science clubs, activists of science based voluntary organizations etc. The teachers / guides receive special orientation on the theme of the CSC every year.

Focal Theme of NCSC-2020: 

"Science for Sustainable Living"

Tentative Activity Schedule. 

(Due to covid-19 pandemic this year all program organized on virtual plateform)

  • Selection of subjects for activity and registration of teams: June-July every year.
  • Working on the projects related to focal theme & identified sub- themes: Next 2-3 months (A group of children not exceeding 2).
  • District level Congress: By December-2020
  • State level Congress: By January-2021
  • National level Congress: to be announced later
  • Indian Science Congress: to be announced later
  • Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan (At Indian Science Congress): to be announced later

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